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Gereelde vrae

  • Wie kan deelneem?
    Enigiemand! Solank jy geldige bewys van identifikasie het, d.w.s. SA ID, paspoort of Asieldokumentasie, kan jy inteken om wenke te ontvang of transaksies te doen.
  • Hoekom moet mense aanmeld?
    Deur TiPPED het ons verdienste met byna 40% vir die Tippee verhoog. TiPPED laat jou toe om transaksies te doen sonder fisiese kontant. Dit bied 'n veilige en veilige platform om te spaar, te spandeer en op transaksies te doen. Dit maak voorsiening vir hulp aan die onbemande en maak voorsiening vir finansiële insluiting. TiPPED is vinnig na die mark en gee jou die vermoë om tred te hou met die digitale oorgang waarin ons wêreld is, sodat jy steeds in 'n veiliger omgewing kan verdien. Met ons hele missiestelling om gelykheid te fasiliteer, sal ons oor die eerste kwartaal van volgende jaar verskeie voordele vir beide die TiPPER en TIPPEE bekendstel waaroor ons baie opgewonde is, so hou hierdie spasie dop!
  • Is dit veilig?
    Absoluut. Die tegnologie agter ons beursie is by Ukheshe Technologies, 'n toonaangewende vennoot vir fintech-bemagtiging met hul borgbank Nedbank. Ons beursies word in hierdie ruimte gehou en ons KYC-proses word deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Reserwebank gestuur.
  • Wat maak Tipped anders as ander QR-gekodeerde betaalplatforms soos Snapscan?
    TiPPED maak gebruik van die Masterpass-relings en so as jy dit sê, kan jy enige van die volgende aanlynbanktoepassings gebruik om 'n wenk te skandeer en te stuur. Alternatiewelik kan jy jou foon se kamera, Zapper of Snapscan gebruik. Banktoepassings: SPOT VodaPay Standaardbank Absa TelkomPay RMB FNB Nedbank Capitec Alternatiewelik kan jy jou eie TWIKKE-beursie oopmaak en 'n TIPPING-toelaag per maand opsy sit. Jy sal dan direk vanaf Wenkbeursie na Wenkbeursie kan gee.
  • What features are available on Tipped?
    Tipped offers a range of features including: Account balance and transaction history Payment at selected stores Transfer capabilities Cash with drawl at selected store tills Security features authentication, transaction alerts
  • Watter toepassing moet ek aflaai om van TiPPED gebruik te maak?
    Die gerieflike aspek van TiPPED is dat jy nie een spesifieke toepassing nodig het nie. Jy kan enige van die volgende banktoepassings gebruik (wat reeds 'n ingeboude QR-leser het)CapitecFNB betaalAbsaNedbank PayRMB betaalVodapayStandard BankZapper ens Al wat jy hoef te doen is om jou ingeboude QR-leser na die motorwag se QR-kode op sy/haar lanyard te wys, die bedrag te kies wat jy wil fooi en druk betaal. So maklik 🙂
  • Hoe lank neem dit vir die fooibedrag om in die ontvanger se rekening beskikbaar te wees?
    Die oordrag is onmiddellik en sal onmiddellik toeganklik wees.
  • Hoe help jy as die publiek die karwagte in jou area om op TiPPED te kom?
    Eerstens, dankie dat jy wil help! Van daar af is dit net om bewustheid in die omliggende area te skep sodat die publiek weet dat dit bestaan en hoe om dit te gebruik.
  • Betaal karwagte baaifooie aan hul werkgewer?
    In sommige gevalle betaal die karwagte wel baaifooie vir hul gekose lyne (wat geroteer word sodat dit billik vir almal is). Dit word gestel tussen die werkgewer en die karwag, en die meer prominente lyne moet 'n groter persentasie betaal, dit is egter die ooreenkoms tussen die werkgewer en die karwag en het niks met TiPPED of Sentrumbestuur te doen nie. Wenk is daar om toe te laat dat karwagte meer geld verdien sodat hulle met 'n groter salaris vir dienste gelewer kan wegstap.
  • Word karwagte enigsins van Sentrumbestuur betaal?
    Sentrumbestuur betaal nie die karwagte 'n salaris nie en ook nie die verenigings waaraan die karwagte behoort nie. Die karwagte verdien hul hele salaris uit fooitjies wat van die publiek gegenereer word. Wenk, in enige vorm, is nie verpligtend nie. Dit vul 'n deel van 'n sosiale verantwoordelikheid en ondersteun die behoefte om indiensneming aan te moedig. Dit word uit die goedheid van ons harte gedoen vir dienste wat ons voel verdien.
  • How do I delete my profile off tipped?
    To delete your profile on tipped, open the tipped app on your device. Look for the three dots icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen and tap on it. From the menu that appears, select 'My Profile'. Scroll down to the bottom of the profile page where you'll find the option to 'Delete Account'. Tap on this option to proceed with deleting your profile from tipped. Confirm any prompts that may appear to complete the deletion process.
  • How do I recover my deleted tipped profile?
    To recover a deleted profile, please reach out to tipped Support for assistance with profile recovery.
  • How to Get an OTP
    To receive a One-Time Password (OTP), start by registering on the platform. Enter your phone number, and we will send an OTP to complete your registration process.
  • I'm not receiving verification codes or OTPs. How can I fix this?
    Ensure you have sufficient cellphone network coverage to receive OTPs. And make sure that the phone number you use to create the account is one where you can receive SMS messages.
  • How to Create an Account
    Download the app, tick the box to acknowledge our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions, then click the "Register" button on the main page to create your account.
  • How to Update the App
    To update the app, follow these steps: Open the Google Play Store. Search for our app, "tipped." Tap "Update" if an update is available. Once updated, try registering again.
  • How do I update my personal information on Tipped?
    You can update your personal information, such as your phone number, directly within the app. Navigate to the settings or profile section and select the option to update your information.
  • How long does it take to verify my account?
    Setup will take about 5-10 mins and your wallet will be available immediately after Sign Up has been completed.
  • Why is my Selfie not working for verification?
    If your ID is too old or your appearance has changed a lot, you might have trouble. If retries fail, contact tipped Support for more information.
  • I'm having trouble signing in. What should I do?
    Make sure you have a stable internet connection, as the tipped app requires it to function. If you still have trouble after confirmation of good connection, contact tipped support
  • Unsupported Identification Documents
    Please note that the following documents are not supported for registration: Asylum papers Copies of copies Photos of documents Letters from Home Affairs Birth certificates Temporary IDs Drivers licenses
  • Can I use someone else’s number for my tipped wallet?
    While technically possible if the number isn't already linked to a Wallet, we strongly advise against it as it makes you vulnerable to theft and potential security issues.
  • Permissions and Their Importance
    To ensure a secure and seamless registration process, we require certain permissions: Microphone Access: Needed for proof-of-life verification. Without this permission, registration cannot be completed. Camera Access: Also required for proof-of-life verification. Registration cannot proceed without this permission.
  • How does the Digital Wallet keep my money safe?
    The Digital Wallet uses several layers of security to protect your money: Encryption: Your financial information is scrambled and unreadable by anyone who shouldn't see it. Tokenization: When you make a payment, a unique code is used instead of your actual card number. This way, even if someone intercepts the code, they can't use it. PIN: You need a PIN to access your wallet and make payments.
  • How long does it take for the tipped amount to be available in the receiver's account?
    The transfer is instant and will be accessible immediately.
  • How can I add money to my Digital Wallet?
    You can cash in at a till point with your QR Code or Barcode. You can also transfer money from your bank account to your wallet. See the Onboarding Guide for more information on transactions and how to use these options.
  • What types of payments can I make with the Digital Wallet?
    You can make payments and receive payments with your tipped Wallet. These range from making and receiving EFTS, payments at the till, payments through your Wallet in the App, and payments through bank Accounts. The ‘Transact’ menu captures all the options and the tipped Onboarding Guide will guide you through each type.
  • Time Frame for SMS to Withdraw Money at an ATM
    Please note: SMS notifications for withdrawing money at an ATM can take between 6 to 12 hours to be sent.
  • Time Frame for Transfer of Funds from Tipped Wallet to Personal Bank Account
    Please note: Money transfers work like any normal bank transfer, which can take up to 2 days to reflect. If your tipped wallet balance has updated, the money will clear in your account within the next 48 hours.
  • Are there any fees for using the Digital Wallet?
    Yes. The tipped App allows you to make multiple transactions. Each transaction has its own costs. See the ‘Fees’ section on the screen when making or taking payments.
  • Forgot PIN
    If you've forgotten your PIN, follow these steps: Enter your phone number. Receive an OTP (One-Time PIN). Enter the OTP. Set a new PIN (make sure it's the same PIN in both fields). Attempt to log in with the new PIN.
  • What happens if I lose my phone?
    Security measures (such as a password on your phone) and tipped App security can help prevent access to your Wallet. However, contact the tipped support team immediately to let them know you lost your phone. They can help you disable access to your wallet on the lost device and set it up on your new phone.
  • How do I report any trouble with the tipped app?
    If you experience any difficulty with accessing you account or with using the app please contact our support lines. We will be happy to assist you with any troubleshooting. Contact us on our support lines: Whatsapp: 083 664 9829
  • What should I do if I notice unauthorized activity on my account?
    If you suspect unauthorized activity on your account, please contact our customer support immediately. We will assist you in securing your account and investigating the issue. Our support lines: Whatsapp: 083 664 9829


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