How tipped™ works
How to create a tipped profile

How to get your cash!
How to get your money
Use your wallet

No cash?
No worries!

How to become a tipper (tip giver)
Want to tip your Attendant?
Scan their QR code with your phone camera to quickly and safely tip them for their service.
Open your phone camera.
Scan your attendants QR code.
Enter the tip amount and hit SEND!


How to become a tippee (tip receiver)
tipped makes use of assigning a unique QR code and digital wallet to the tippee (recipient). Through a simple onboarding process that requires only proof of identification, a car guard, for example, can onboard themselves through a very easy step by step application online.
Once signed up, a QR code will be sent. This QR code can be printed out by the recipient and displayed in any way to make it visible to the public. Tips can now be received and as a tippee, you will be able to transact, send or withdraw your cash.
Tippees are able to withdraw cash at ATMs or at Pick n Pay till points as well as purchase goods at till points through their wallets.

Who can participate?
As long as you have valid proof of identification, i.e. SA ID, SA drivers license, passport or asylum documentation, you can sign up to receive tips or transact.